Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Mission Complete!

Well, here I am – post # 2!  How proud are you?!  I am pretty excited.  Ever since I posted the first one, I have been thinking and planning the next ones.  I have been spending some time working on a couple of other posts, but in the meantime, I didn’t want to leave you hanging thinking I am a) never coming back and b) laying about eating bon bons, drinking margaritas, reading magazines and wasting away the time I have to accomplish things around my house.  Just a sidenote  -but where did that saying even come from.  Do people eat bon bons?  I wouldn’t even know where to get them.  I’m more likely to be laying around eating popcorn or dark chocolate powerberries, but I suppose that doesn’t have the same catchy ring…but I digress.
Anyway, I accomplished a huge project this weekend that I am dying to share with you all!  With the free time I’ve had these days, I have been trying to conquer a lot of household projects that I have been keeping on an ever increasing list.  One of those projects has been the kiddo room.  When we first moved into this house, I put all of her things in one of the 3 bedrooms with a vision in my head of what it could look like if I ever summoned the gumption to make it happen.  I knew the exact color, decorations, and set up.  When she was about 6 months old, I finally decided to tackle it.  Ryan was gone on one of his many 2 week long trainings, I had already finished the living room and now I was ready to move on.  I bought the paint, draped the furniture, and taped the creases to get started.  I finished the painting in 2 days over the course of the kiddo’s nap times and night time sleeping.  Thankfully she was taking nice long naps twice a day.  Once I got the whole room painted with two coats, I put up some of the wall appliques that I found and put the furniture where I wanted it.  I was so excited, but I didn’t want to get too happy yet, I still had things I wanted to do. 
Well, wouldn’t you know, it took me another six months to finally complete the project.  I have been staring at the one large blank wall in her room for months trying to decide what to do with it.  I have been looking for the right set of shelves to put up against it, but nice shelve pieces are stupid expensive and I’m really not interested in putting a lot of money into kiddo furniture; God knows what is in store for it.  Well wouldn’t you know Pinterest saved the day!  A while back I saw a posting ofor using rain gutters as shelving to create a little book nook in a kiddo room.  Brilliant!  I pinned it for a rainy day and have had it in the back of my mind for weeks now.  Well, last week I was so over the kiddo’s books being strewn all over her room, as she is obsessed with reading every single one and then just dropping it and moving on to the next.  It was time to execute the plan!
Taking her books to read under the tree
This past weekend the Munchkin and I set out to Home Depot to gather supplies.  I found the perfect vinyl rain gutter in a beautiful shade of brown to match some of the furniture and some drywall screws.    The rain gutters are sold in ten foot lengths, so I carried one down to the front of the store and asked one of the orange apron wearing men types if a hacksaw would be the best way to cut this gutter down.  I don’t want to say that there was any eyelash batting or sweet smiling happening, but it was a Saturday at Home Depot and without it I was probably just some clueless chick with a kid wandering the aisles.  They were more than obliging to my request and said, well, I guess we could just do it for you miss, right this way.  Bing bang boom, 10 feet of gutter becomes 3 equal length gutter shelves. I walked out of there for approximately $9 with my three pieces and 12 drywall screws.  Sweet!  Munchkin and I headed home for naptime and I planned my attack.  When she woke up, I taped the walls where I wanted to hang the shelves, measured for the screws, drilled the wall and the gutter pieces and screwed them into the wall.  Done and done.  It was so exciting!  I moved a chest into the room next to the shelves for the animals to have a home, put the remaining Eric Carle animal appliques up and marveled at my handiwork.
Ta Da!
The last step in the process was hanging the picture string I made for her first birthday.  At her party I hung a collection of pictures from her first year, hung them from string with ribbon so people could look at them as they meandered around throughout the day.  I really liked how it turned out, so I figured why not get two uses out of it?  I strung the pictures up above the shelves and now that whole space looks purposeful.  The room is complete.  It is the first room in the whole house, in almost a year of us living here, that is finally complete and Savannah is obsessed with it.  She is constantly pointing and laughing at the pictures, which she has been studying as they’ve been lying on various surfaces around our house since September.  She can’t get enough of taking the books down and putting them back up and she is loving the space that has been made available to play by getting everything off the floor and out of corners.  Yay for me!  Check out the pictures for yourself.     Since there is no one here to revel at my creation in person, you all get the joy of seeing it here.  I don’t know about you, but for me there is something about finishing a major project that inspires me to get started on another one.  Seems counterintuitive, but it’s true.  Wait till you see my garage...

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